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Concrete Cutting Core Drilling Saco ME MaineWelcome
to MaineConcreteCutting.com “We Specialize
in Cutting Doorways and Windows in Concrete Foundations” Are You in Saco Maine? Do You Need Concrete Cutting? We Are Your Local
Concrete Cutter Call 207-284-0788 We Service Saco, ME and
all surrounding Cities & Towns Concrete Cutter Saco ME Concrete Coring Saco ME Core Drilling Saco ME Concrete Sawing Saco ME Concrete Sawing Saco Maine Concrete Cutting Saco Maine Concrete Cutter Saco Maine Concrete Coring Saco Maine Core Driller Saco ME Core Drilling Saco Maine A
line from the upper end of the load line parallel to this first section of the
true equilibrium Reproduced from an original drawn at scale of 1, inch = 1 foot
concrete polygon, intersects the horizontal line through the middle of the load
line at or', which is the position of the true pole. Drawing the rays from the
true pole to the load line, and drawing the segments of the true equilibrium concrete
polygon parallel to -these rays, we may at once test whether the true
equilibrium concrete polygon always passes through the middle third of each
joint. As is almost invariably the case, it is found that for full loading, the
true equilibrium concrete polygon passes within the middle third at every
joint. Usually
it is only a matter of form to make the test for uniform full loading. 9.
What protection should be given to concrete after it is placed to insure proper
hardening? All
concrete construction which exposes a large surface to the air should be kept
moist by some such protective covering as sand, burlap or canvas, to prevent
rapid drying from the action of sun and wind. This covering should be kept
moist by frequent sprinkling as often as necessary until the concrete has
acquired the desired hardness. 10.
What slope should a concrete floor have to provide the necessary drainage?
One-eighth in. to the foot is sufficient. Ii.
What thickness should a concrete feeding concrete floor have? If
the construction is one-course of a 1:2:3 concrete mixtures the concrete floor
should be not less than 5 in. thick. If of two-course construction then there
should be a 1:2 :5 base with 11/2 in. or 2 in. of 1:3 mortar surface, making
the concrete floor not less than 6 or 7 in. thick. 12.
Is a cinder fill under such a concrete floor necessary? Not
unless the conditions where the concrete floor is to be laid are such that the
underlying soil will collect and retain moisture. Even then, the cinder or
gravel fill should be connected with a drain that will prevent water from being
retained beneath the concrete floor. -In any case it is best to have the concrete
floor above the level of the surrounding soil. 13.
How will concrete construction save the liquid content of manure? The
concrete feeding concrete floor or barnyard pavement should slope toward a
gutter that leads to a concrete manure pit. In this way all of the liquid
content of manure is preserved. Likewise, the surroundings are made more nearly
sanitary. 14.
Why is concrete usually the most economical material to use for farm
improvements? Concrete
is fireproof, rot-proof, rat-proof, sanitary, and reduces the labor of caring
for stock. Can
concrete work be successfully carried on in cold weather? If
sand and pebbles and mixing water are heated and the concrete is properly
protected against freezing for at least 48 hours after, being placed, much
successful work can be done in cold weather. Are You in Saco Maine? Do You Need Concrete Cutting? We Are Your Local
Concrete Cutter Call 207-284-0788 We Service Saco, ME and
all surrounding Cities & Towns |