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Concrete Cutting Core Drilling Berwick ME Maine

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“We Specialize in Cutting Doorways and Windows in Concrete Foundations”

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Concrete Cutter Berwick Maine
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Core Drilling Berwick Maine

Where the concrete must resist earth or water pressure as in concrete retaining walls or dams the forms should be left in place until the concrete completely dries. Usually the horizontal space between the forces V and L is so very small that the position of their resultant R can be drawn by estimation as closely as the possible accuracy of drawing will permit, without recourse to the theoretically accurate method just given. The amount of the resultant is determined by measuring circular concrete arch, span and rise being known. Adding the areas and then multiplying the sum of the two areas by the weight per cubic foot of the stone. This gives the weight of a section of the concrete arch ring one foot thick (parallel with the axis of the concrete arch). The area of the concrete practically equals the length (between the joints of that section) of the middle curve, times the thickness of the concrete arch ring. The area of the load trapezoid equals the horizontal width between the vertical sides, times its middle height. The concrete contractor should notice that several of the above statements regarding areas, etc., are not theoretically accurate; but, with the usual proportions of the dimensions of the concrete to the span of the concrete arch, the errors involved by the approximations are harmless, while the additional labor necessary for a more accurate solution would not be justified by the inappreciable difference in the final results.

Concrete has developed nearly its final strength (this may be 3 or 4 weeks, if the weather is damp or cold or anything else prevents quick curing). Facing concrete with a coat of mortar plaster is often a trouble- some undertaking because it is difficult to obtain a strong enough bond—that is, a strong enough cohesion—between the concrete mass and the surfacing mortar. The mortar should be applied in as thin a layer as possible. The proportions are 1 part Portland cement and 2 parts sand. Opinions vary as to the exact proportion of cement and sand in cement mortar, varying from 1 part cement and 1 part sand to 1 part cement and parts sand. The character of the job should be considered and a proportion of sufficient strength to fit the proposition at hand decided upon. However, a concrete mixture of 1 part cement to 2 parts sand may be considered a good all around proportion. Before applying the surfacing mortar see that the whitish scum on the old work is removed, as it has no strength in itself. This may be done if the work has just had the forms removed, by using a wire brush vigorously. If the concrete is hard the surface scum cannot be-removed unless the surface is roughened with a cold chisel.

Whichever method of removal is used the aggregate of the concrete must be exposed, or the newly deposited concrete or mortar will not bond to the old. In placing a mortar facing on a concrete surface, drench the concrete wall thoroughly with water not more than 30 minutes before the application of the mortar, and brush the surface with a thin cream made of cement and water. This cream should be mixed in small batches as the work progresses and should be used within 30 minutes after it has been mixed, as it loses its strength after that length of time. Trowel the mortar facing on the surface after this preparation, and press the mortar firmly to a smooth uniform surface. Sprinkle the mortar surface with water twice a day for about 10 days. This is a positively necessary precaution, because facing cannot develop its full strength unless it has moisture applied continuously throughout the time it is hardening. If drying is too rapid, there will be excessive shrinkage and the surface will check and show hair cracks.        

Are You in Berwick Maine? Do You Need Concrete Cutting?

We Are Your Local Concrete Cutter

Call 207-284-0788

We Service Berwick, ME and all surrounding Cities & Towns