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“We Specialize in Cutting Doorways and Windows in Concrete Foundations”

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It quakes like jelly and can be carried on a shovel. "Dry" concrete should contain enough water so that tamping brings it easily to the surface. By "proportioning" we mean determining the necessary quantities of cement, sand and gravel, for a piece of work. Cement is always the smallest quantity in a concrete mixture and is always mentioned first. A bag of cement contains approximately 1 cu. ft., so that amount of cement is taken, as the unit of measure. The second figure is always the number of parts of sand. It is not well to use pebbles or pieces of broken stone if their greatest dimension is more than one-half the thickness of the concrete you are placing. Cinders are used to some extent as a substitute for crushed stone or gravel. They are lighter and more porous than stone but less strong, but where lightness is more important than strength or where a poor conductor of heat or sound is required, they may be used. Successive concrete floors of tall buildings are often laid with cinder concrete. Roofs are also constructed with it. It cuts more easily than that made of stone and nails may be driven into it. Cinders used in concrete work should he practically free of ashes. Wood ashes should never be used. Concrete power plant cinders are better than those from household furnaces as the intense heat of the former fuses most of the ash into hard material.

It should he drenched with water to wash out the finer material. Concrete made of cinders should not be rammed, as the material will break up easily. As cinders have been subjected to a great heat they are good from a fireproof point of view. Use nothing but clean water. Scummy, dirty, muddy or alkaline water must not be used. A good drinking water is always right to use for mixing concrete. The amount of water to he used varies with AA the material used and results desired. Cold water (below 400 Fahrenheit) retards the set of concrete. The amount of water used varies with conditions, as before stated, and divides green concrete into three groups according to its consistency, "wet," "medium" and "dry." Wet concrete requires but little paddling, flowing readily into corners and crevices. It is preferred for reinforced concrete as the concrete can be easily imbedded. "Wet" concrete requires a bucket or similar vessel for handling. For general work "medium" concrete gives the densest, hence the strongest concrete mixture. It quakes like jelly and can be carried on a shovel. "Dry" concrete should contain enough water so that tamping brings it easily to the surface. By "proportioning" we mean determining the necessary quantities of cement, sand and gravel, for a piece of work. Cement is always the smallest quantity in a concrete mixture and is always mentioned first. A bag of cement contains approximately 1 cu. ft., so that amount of cement is taken, as the unit of measure. The second figure is always the number of parts of sand.  The principle will first be illustrated by the problem of drawing an equilibrium concrete polygon which shall pass through the points y, z, and v in Fig. 217. We shall first draw the two non-vertical forces in the force diagram. The resultant R of the forces A and B is obtained as shown in Fig. 213. Utilizing the property referred to in the previous article, we may at once draw two lines through y and z which intersect at some assumed point e on the resultant R. Drawing lines from p and q parallel respectively to ez and ey, we determine the point o' as the trial pole for our force diagram. As a check on the drawing, the line joining the intersections b and c should be parallel to the ray o's, thus again verifying one of the laws of Statics. If the line be is produced until it intersects the line yz produced, and a line is drawn from the intersection x through the required point v, it will intersect the forces A and B in the points d and g.

Are You in Lyman Maine? Do You Need Concrete Cutting?

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