Specialize in Cutting Doorways and Windows in Concrete Foundations”
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Core Drilling Ogunquit Maine
dg will be one of the lines of the required equilibrium concrete polygon. By
drawing lines from q and p parallel to the center line, we find their
intersection o", which is the pole of the required force diagram. There
are two checks on this result: (1) the line so" is parallel to dg; and (2)
the line o'o" is horizontal. If the line be is
horizontal or nearly so, the intersection (x) of the line produced is at an
infinite distance away, or is at least off the drawing. If the line is actually
horizontal, the line will also be a horizontal line passing through v. When the
line is not horizontal, but is so nearly so that it will not intersect yz at a convenient point, the line dg may be determined as
is indicated by the (slotted lines in the figure. Select any point on the line,
such as the point. Through the given point v, draw a vertical line which
intersects the known line be in the point k. From some point in the line be
(such as the point b), draw the horizontal line bh
and the vertical line bn. The third figure is the number of parts of stone or
gravel. Thus when we speak of a 1-2-4 concrete mixture, we mean that to every
cubic foot (bag) of cement there are 2 cu. ft. of sand and 4 cu. ft. of gravel
or stone. Satisfactory results can only be obtained by proper proportioning. The
object of proportioning is to make a sufficiently dense concrete mixture.
or gravel or crushed stone, alone, have between their particles empty spaces
called "voids." To make dense concrete the cement, sand and stone
must be proportioned so that the voids in the coarse aggregate are filled with
the finer particles of sand and cement, and so that the voids in the sand are
filled and bound together with particles of cement. If this subject of voids is
borne in mind, you will not make the common mistake of estimating that 1 cu.
ft. of cement, 2 cu. ft. of sand and 4 cu. ft. of stone will make 7 cu. ft. of
concrete. On account of so much of the material being used in filling up voids,
the actual total quantity of concrete obtained by mixing these quantities of
aggregates is only a little more than the quantity of stone-4 cu. ft. For
almost all work twice as much coarse aggregate (gravel or stone) must be used
as fine aggregate (sand). A concrete mixture of 1 part cement, 1 parts sand and
3 parts coarse aggregate is suitable for roads, columns, waterproof buildings
and other constructions coming under high stresses. Such a concrete mixture is
termed a rich concrete mixture. A concrete mixture of 1 part cement, 2 parts
sand and 4 parts coarse aggregate is suitable for roofs, arches, reinforced concrete
floors, columns, reinforced engine bases subject to considerable vibration,
beams, tanks, extra strong concrete walls, sewers and various other works
requiring water tightness. This concrete mixture is termed a standard concrete
A concrete mixture of 1 part of cement, 2~/2 parts sand and 5 parts
coarse aggregate is suitable for retaining concrete walls, ordinary concrete
floors, ordinary machine foundations, abutments, sidewalks, piers, and sewers
requiring extra heavy concrete walls. Such a concrete mixture is known as a
medium concrete mixture. A concrete mixture of 1 part of cement, 3 parts sand,
and 6 parts coarse aggregate is suitable for foundations supporting stationary
loads, unimportant work in masses, backing for stone masonry and heavy concrete
walls. It is known as a lean concrete mixture. Plate 4 shows all necessary
concrete equipment for hand mixing, much of which can be of homemade
construction: 2 good quality No. 2 square nosed "paddy" shovels; 1 or
more tampers of about 20 lbs. weight, as shown; a homemade wooden float or
trowel of dimensions shown on drawing; a clean water barrel, one which has not
previously contained oil; 2 galvanized iron water pails; a heavy garden rake; 1
galvanized sprinkling can of fairly good size; some garden hose; 1 sand-screen
made of /4 in. wire mesh; 1, measuring box or frame (see drawing) ; 1 mixing
platform; 1 strong metal wheelbarrow; trowels; a carpenter's level; 1 tool for
edging and 1 for jointing.
Are You in Ogunquit Maine? Do You Need Concrete Cutting?
We Are Your Local
Concrete Cutter
Call 207-284-0788
We Service Ogunquit,
ME and all surrounding Cities & Towns