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Concrete Cutting Core Drilling Alfred ME Maine

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“We Specialize in Cutting Doorways and Windows in Concrete Foundations”

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We Service Alfred, ME and all surrounding Cities & Towns

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Concrete Cutter Alfred ME
Concrete Coring Alfred ME
Core Drilling Alfred ME
Concrete Sawing Alfred ME
Concrete Sawing Alfred Maine
Concrete Cutting Alfred Maine
Concrete Cutter Alfred Maine
Concrete Coring Alfred Maine
Core Driller Alfred ME
Core Drilling Alfred Maine

Even the live load on the concrete arch is represented in the same manner, by an additional area on top of the reduced line for the earth pressure, the depth of that area being made in proportion to the intensity of the live load compared with the unit-weight of stone. For example, if the earth filling weighs 100 pounds per cubic foot, and the stone of the concrete arch weighs 160 pounds per cubic foot, then each ordinate for the earth load would be 3% of the actual depth of the earth. Likewise, if the live load per square foot on the concrete arch equals 120 pounds, then the area representing the live load would be - of a foot, according to the scale adopted for the concrete arch. The weight of the paving, if there is any, should be similarly allowed for. If we draw from the upper end of each joint a vertical line extending to the top of the reduced load line, then the area between these two verticals and between the concrete arch and the load line represents the weight at the scale adopted for the drawing, and at the unit-value for the weight per cubic foot (160 pounds per cubic foot, as suggested above) actually pressing on that particular concrete. A line through the center of gravity of the stone itself gives the line of action of the force of gravity on the concrete. An approximation to the position of this center of gravity, which is usually amply accurate, is the point which is midway between the two joints, and which is also on the concrete arch curve which lies in the middle of the depth of each concrete.

The center of gravity of the load on the concrete is approximately in the center of its width. The resultant of two parallel forces, such as V and L, equals in amount their sum R, and its line of action is between them and at distances from them such that force is followed.
 It is well to say a word here regarding the use of the words "Cement" and "concrete" as they should he spoken. We often read and hear of cement walks, cement houses, cement steps, etc. This is extremely incorrect; the proper word to use is "concrete." There never can be such a thing as a cement house, etc. It must be remembered that cement is but a powder and bears the same relation to concrete that flour does to bread, and is only a part of the finished product. If the forms are removed as soon as the green concrete will sustain itself, where the surface is exposed to the elements, it should be protected from the drying action of the sun and hot winds.

Concrete should set 5 or 6 days before being exposed and during this interval it should be sprinkled with water morning and night to keep the surface of the concrete from drying out faster than the interior. Protect exposed vertical surfaces with old burlap, hung 1 in. or so from the surface, and keep this cover moist all the time. Flat surfaces such as feeding concrete floor and walks should be protected from rain, sun, wind and frost by sand, -straw or building paper. Plastic concrete is very heavy and forms therefore should be strongly made. Green lumber should be used, as dry, seasoned material will swell and warp from the moisture in the concrete. Planed lumber is more easily cleaned and the concrete does not stick to it so easily. Use lumber planed on one face and two edges - to insure a tight job. Tongued and grooved concrete form boards will be a little more expensive but insure an exceptionally nice job.

Grease the forms with soap, linseed oil or crude oil to keep the lumber free of the concrete. Although some do not do this it is much the better way. Be positive all forms are absolutely vertical, especially forms for concrete walls or piers. Use a spirit level or a plumb bob. Do as little pounding as possible near fresh concrete. This depends on the nature of the construction. For small construction work, where the concrete bears no weight, the forms may be removed as soon as the concrete will bear its own weight, that is, sometime between 12 and 48 hours after the concrete has been placed.

Are You in Alfred Maine? Do You Need Concrete Cutting?

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Call 207-284-0788

We Service Alfred, ME and all surrounding Cities & Towns